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    WHO Member States call for the regulation of Digital marketing of baby foods

    February 17, 2025


    In the face of the budgetary and political crisis following the USA withdrawal from WHO, the 156th WHO Executive Board today remained strong on its core constitutional purpose to help governments protect the health of all citizens and recommended forwarding a Draft Resolution on Regulating the digital marketing of breast-milk substitutes. It is a first step, as approval by the World Assembly is still required.

    Colansa has articulated and mobilized partner institutions on the topic, supporting dialogue and negotiation with the Brazilian Ministry of Health and mobilizing other Ministries in other countries in the region.

    Information by IBFAN:

    The draft Resolution, led by Brazil and Mexico, is proposed by 21 Member States. After numerous consultations with Member States, Brazil disseminated the final draft text to all Member States on the 7th February.  A ‘silence procedure’ followed, running to 6:00 pm on Saturday 8th.  Since no Member State raised objections during this time the text is now considered to be a consensus amongst all Member States.

    Dr Marina Rea, speaking for IBFAN, the global network that worked alongside WHO for nearly 50 years welcomed the draft Resolution and urged all to support it.  “Mothers are being bombarded by misleading marketing online. In one click health authority advice is disregarded with long-term consequences for child health and survival.”  Stressing that there is no need for significant resources to enforce this Resolution, she urged governments to “allocate specific legal duties to the social media platforms and service providers who have control over their content. However it is urgent that Governments adopt this Resolution  and follow the WHO Guidance.”

    The costs of all the proposed Resolutions were considered together before the  decision taken Today. The debate on its formal adoption will take place in the 78th World Health Assembly in May.

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