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    Colansa’s electronic library is expanded

    May 23, 2024


    The InterAmerican Heart Foundation (AHF – FIC) continues to develop the COLANSA e-library—a database housing documents that cater to the needs of the COLANSA community and its core interests. This evolving library offers access to a wide range of materials for research and advocacy purposes.

    Document types available include technical and scientific papers, policy documents covering legislation and decrees, webinar presentations, factsheets, reports, and more. The majority of documents featured in the e-library originate from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries, providing valuable insights and experiences from the region.

    Our goal with the COLANSA e-library is to cover all topics related to healthy and sustainable nutrition. Currently, we have focused on topics such as nutritional front-of-package labeling (FOPL) and economic and fiscal policies promoting healthy nutrition.

    Explore the COLANSA e-library today at.

    We receive relevant documents of interest here.

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