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    We are Colansa

    A community that helps promote health and healthy, sustainable and inclusive eating in
    Latin America and the Caribbean.

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    Get to Know Colansa

    Get to Know Colansa

    We are a network of organizations and professionals that work collaboratively to contribute with the development of healthy, sustainable and equitable food systems, besides improving the nutrition and health of the populations in Latin America and the Caribbean, through the generation of scientific knowledge and contributing to the advancement of adequate public policies.

    Get to know our work
    Acting Fronts

    Acting Fronts

    Assistance in the promotion of healthy, sustainable and equitable food systems

    Production of scientific knowledge

    Interaction with other academic sectors, public and private, such as farmers and small producers


    Our members

    The plurarity and transparency of actions guide Colansa members in creating a space for democratic debate and in generating ideas and solutions to improve the food systems and the nutrition and health of the region’s populations.

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